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Save Your Marriage Before It Starts

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SYMBIS (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts) 
As certified facilitators of SYMBIS, we want the very best for the couples in our care and we have the best tool that makes it personal, profound and an easy process towards a smart start.  Pre-marital education helps to equip you in building a strong foundation and is one of the keys to a more excellent, satisfying marriage.  Great marriages are built when two individuals start with Christ at the center of their relationship.


The SYMBIS Assessment is built on a Mountain of research and is a valuable tool and one of the wisest decisions you can make when it comes to pre-marriage education. It covers a full range of issues that are almost guaranteed to surface when two sets of personalities come together. All in all the SYMBIS covers more than two dozen areas.

These include:

• Cohabitation

• Unrealistic Expectations

• Baggage

• Social Support

• In-law Relationships

• Cultural Context

• Spiritual Beliefs

• Conflict Management

• Marriage Mindset

• Self-concept

• Maturity

• Independence

• Longevity

• Stability

• Similarity

• Stress

• Spiritual Intimacy

• Finances

• Role Expectations

• Personality

• Love

• Sex

• Attitudes and Happiness

• Communication

• Bridging the Gender Gap

• Re-marriage (if relevant)

• Blending a Family



SYMBIS + is for couples who are already married.  This phenomenal enhanced tool covers more than two dozen areas covered in pre-marital counseling plus:




• Harmony: How content are you as a couple?

• Time Style: How your personalities are hard wired?


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American Association for Christian Counselors

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